Photography by Kyle Haines unless otherwise noted
Ruby Enjoying Village Life with the Jan & John Clark Family
Ruby Rauls Clark
City Park Avenue
Ruby Rauls Clark
City Park Avenue
Photo from the Clark family.

uby is an (almost) six-year-old, black-and-white Shih Tzu mix. We had her DNA tested soon after adopting her and found that she’s about one-quarter cocker spaniel. We believe that’s the reason for her longer legs.
Photo from the Clark family.
Her favorite toy, by far, is a small, glow-in-the-dark rubber ball. We have several backups, in case she loses one … as she often does. We don’t know what she would do without her ball. She meets us at the door with it. She takes it to bed with us at night and is ready to play as soon as we wake up the next morning. She greets guests with it. And she loves to interrupt just about any activity by demanding that we throw it for her to catch or chase.
Photo from the Clark family
About six months after we lost our little poodle, Casey, friends decided we needed someone new in our lives. Eschewing common-sense rules against giving someone a pet, Katharine Moore & Shiloh Todorov found our little, rescue Shih Tzu through an internet search. They presented her to us in a wrapped gift box, at Valter’s, during a Christmas dinner. It was the perfect gift.
Jan with Ruby in front of Winans Chocolates & Coffees and John through the window talking to friends.
To tell you the truth, little Ruby isn’t the smartest of dogs. But she makes up for it by being incredibly cute and unbelievably affectionate.
Dogs are pure love. We know very few people whose lives would not be enriched by having one as part of their family.
Ruby with her ears down, looking cute with the pumpkin doll.
Ruby came from a family whose primary caregiver was facing long-term health problems. We got to meet her shortly after Ruby moved in with us, and we are grateful to have had that opportunity. The woman’s last name is “Rawls,” and she confirmed that her husband is a cousin to Lou Rawls, the singer. So, we added “Rawls” as Ruby’s middle name – Ruby Rawls Clark.
PET Ruby Enjoying Village Life with the Jan & John Clark Family Issue XI